Without ever having to worry about adjustments or nutrient lockout!
You see, our team of experts knew there had to be a better way to stabilize pH.
It’s why we spent years conducting exhaustive research to innovate the solution . . .
And why we’re the only nutrient company on the planet that holds the answer to this problem.
Tons of other companies have tried to discover our secret . . .
A secret you will benefit from directly when you use our base nutrients.
It’s called pH Perfect® Technology.
And it’s the single best way to automatically adjust your pH levels, withOUT . . .
- Needing to purchase a bottle of pH Up or pH Down again!
- Staying chained to your pH pens and meters cycle after cycle
- Worrying that your nutrients won’t remain available in the solution
And it’s so ahead of its time . . .
Even the most skeptical growers wary of switching up their base nutrients tell us they can’t believe they didn’t jump on this sooner.
Now, you too can benefit from pH Perfect® Technology’s astounding properties in your bloom phase, when you . . .
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